Dream Dive

Take a dream dive...
The 'Vandenberg' will lie in approximately 140 feet of water, while her superstructure will reach up to within 40 feet of the surface. This makes the 'Vandenberg' a dive that an open water student can make at the top, while still being a challenging dive for an advanced or 'tech' diver at the bottom. All skill levels can participate. 

Although many of the rooms and corridors seen in these pictures will be opened up into larger spaces when the ship is prepared for diving, the imaginative diver can easily envision the thrill of descending to this massive and fascinating artificial reef. The tops of some of the antennas and the stack will be "trimmed" to maintain the 100 foot profile required, but most of the above-deck structure will remain intact.

Our special thanks to photographer, Russ Hellyar for taking these photos.
(Click on the thumbnails to see a larger image)

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