ARK will be presenting events and live-cam coverage throughout the preparation of the ship, and during and after the sinking. Classes will be conducted on various topics and will include live underwater video, accessed on this website.
Test Event: Was conducted January 12, 2001.
CLICK HERE to see archive footage
NEXT EVENT: September, 2001 (time to be announced)
What: This will be ARK's first interactive live online event. It is intended as a pilot to demonstrate the technology and type of content this project will provide.
The event is a dive conducted in the lagoon at the Florida Keys Community College. An instructor will be stationed onboard the school's small research vessel in the lagoon, and an instructor and underwater videographer will conduct the dive and transmit video which will be shown on the event page. Students in our pilot project classroom will type questions onto our chat page, and the instructors will answer live and direct the camera. The special feature on this dive is the site where the actual timbers from the Treasure Ship Nuestra Senora de Atocha are arranged on the lagoon bottom in their original configuration.